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Thursday, November 28, 2013

To what extend should art be part of education?

Art has played a crucial role in a society. The complete spectrum of art, ranging between visual arts, music, drama, to literature, has evidently powerfully influenced contemporary society and has been a true reflection of contemporary society as well as protector of culture in all contemporary societies in all contemporary times. Artists, more often than not, serve as challengers to traditionally held beliefs and as innovators in societies. They serve to breakdown several barriers.
Considering such great impact on society, art must become an essential part of education, and especially at the early education stage. Art is known to improve and enhance creative and cognitive skills while stimulating imagination and developing critical thought. Art is also known to have a deep impact on a child’s development and has proven in levelling learning across socio-economic-political borders. Art, more often than not, helps in the development of problem solving abilities, thereby, contributing directly to academic performance and scholastic success. Art refines finer aspects of the human mind, hence, developing craftsmanship in children creating quality consciousness – skills that can be classified as life skills needed to succeed much beyond the classroom. Art also develops in children, articulating, and problem-solving, decision-making, perception formation among other things. It contributes to development of self-confidence and a disciplined approach. It helps them in imagining what might be. It also helps them in completing tasks. Among other things, it also helps in imbibing values, team skills, accepting alternate viewpoints, and respecting cultural differences and various traditions. Art also plays a central role in development of socio-emotional development, motor and cognitive skills, as well as language skills. Art is also known to enhance engagement levels, stimulating memory, and symbolic communication. In essence, art can play a pivotal role in education developing lot of early development skills in school-going children.

Some people, for the sake of getting a living, forget to live. Discuss.

Enjoying life is akin to taking care of your teeth. It is right in front of your face, but how many mindlessly brush and never floss? The extra step can add sparkle to your smile and even a sense of accomplishment, but it takes time. The philosophy of “a little effort and a lot of observation” can apply to every aspect of life and make the most of what is already there.

Life’s routines, such as work and commitments, keep us grounded, but many may be left feeling there is no room for anything else. When fun is put in motion, it is done with a modicum of guilt and worry. Minds drift to “What is going on back in the ‘real world’?” and “Should I check my phone for anything?” It is survival vs. savor.

There is no magic formula for enjoying life, just like there is no clear definition of happiness. To savor is to start with the little extras. There is no need to chuck it all and move to the Caribbean. Look at that morning coffee. That everyday mug may be perfect with a pour of cream and sugar, but why not sprinkle cinnamon on top? Or chocolate? It will not change what lies underneath but it will add another dimension.

The key to living in a hectic, everyday-is-a-deadline world may be making the most of the tiny choices. According to the Time’s website, psychologist Rich Walker examined more than 500 diaries. He determined people who have different types of experiences are more apt to retain positive feelings than those with less variety in their lives.1

Sometimes it takes putting the routine aside to make the most of each moment. By paying attention to the details, the cream of life will rise to the top and the enjoyment will filter down and spill over in other aspects of being. The way to live a more fulfilled life is not to deconstruct what is there, but to reconfigure what is.

Entertainment is something which distracts us from the routine of daily life

Although the forms of entertainment have changed significantly over the years, the function of entertainment has remained essentially the same till now. Because of the necessities of survival, life is filled with routine built around schedules that govern daily existence.

This is true whether a society is primarily concerned with producing its own living, such as a hunter-gatherer or agrarian society type, or more advanced, such as an industrial or modern society. For all of these societies, the daily routine revolves around either directly producing food and other things needed to survive, or earning money to purchase these things. Despite vast differences in the particular contribution of mental or physical exertion to these various routines, they are repetitive by their nature and do become monotonous. While the rut remains essential to survival, the human mind has always sought ways to provide variety of input and experiences.

Fortunately, there has always been more to life than just finding or producing enough food and water that concerned early societies, or the modern routine of earning a living. A part of life that helps to balance the everydayness is entertainment. Beginning with self-entertainment, such as storytelling, self-produced art, and self-produced music, entertainment has now been developed into the myriad of forms available to members of our modern society. Whether it is sought through media, such as television or books, or performance, theater or sporting events, entertainment can add an extra dimension to life. When the day by day earning of a living becomes dull, there are many kinds of entertainment available to restore interest and excitement. Entertainment provides a means of taking us away to other places and times. Although the form is different, it is easy to imagine that this break in the monotony was true with storytelling, art, and music from the beginning of its development. Entertainment is a part of life with many possible functions, but a primary one has always been a means of distracting us from the mundane routine of daily life.

Describe the ways to save money while saving the environment.

Environmental issue is one of the most important concerns in the up-to-date world. Being responsible citizens, is our duty to save the environment which should get first priority, irrespective of saving money. There is a wrong notion that environmentally-conscious one has to spend a lot. But if we have awareness of utilizing things in a proper way and knowledge in modern technologies, we can easily cut down expenses while saving the environment.

Electricity generation causes harmful emissions into our environment. Thus, if we try to save energy, it will help to save money as well as environment. Replacement of incandescent light bulbs with Utilizing Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs (CFLs) helps to save costs as well as electric energy. Turn off the computer, if you are not using it for a while and preserve the energy. Using fan instead of AC, manual washing of cloths instead of machine helps to cut back money and electricity expenditures. Moreover, we should purchase energy-efficient appliance and always check for the Environmental Protection Agency’s Energy Star label beforehand. In daily life, water and electricity are wasted in various ways due to our negligence. This is a problem that needs to be addressed.

Paper is a product of exhaustible natural resources. If we manage to control printing by intelligent planning of paper use, it can sufficiently mend the situation. So it is desirable to think twice before taking print. Smart utilization of bottles helps to save money for not buying them repetitively, and prevents the accumulation and storage of waste products. We should give more emphasis on Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle – the 3 R’s.

Besides, there are even more unexplored ways to reduce the expenses and stay environmental friendly. If we leave aside the indifference, use modern science and technology in a proper way and realize the importance to keep the natural balance, our descendants have a change for a flourishing future.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Success Usually Comes to Those Who are too Busy to be Looking for it.

There are two ways of defining real success. First, success is deemed by some as the amount of money and prestige accumulated during their lifetime. Second, it is happiness and contentment one gets after going through any kind of ordeal in life. No matter how people see success, its pursuit does not necessarily mean really looking for it.

There are, in fact, times when success seems to evade a person who has dedicated their mightiest strength and knowledge to it. There are even times when, after a person achieves something, they are still void of a truly high sense of success, as if there is a hunger in them that needs to be constantly fed in order to reach a certain summit of success.

There is no singular terminology or feeling that one can attribute to success if the person is to really scrutinize it. No matter how much time and effort one uses to achieve success, it will be elusive to those who are too busy looking for it. Disappointment is bound to happen if one expects too much.

To be successful is to achieve personal gratification that is beyond one’s expectations. So we shouldn’t set a marker or a limit to what success is. Great things can only be called as such if it is beyond one’s imagination. People should free themselves from creating rules for being labeled successful. A person’s disbelief of God or luck or karma does not negate or disprove them. At the end of the day, one can only look at the overall outcome of things and accept everything that transpired with a pat on the back and a thought that no matter what the end is, success is not something you look for, it is something you always have if you have wholeheartedly lived your life.

Relation Between Medical Progress and Helthcare Careers.

This essay examines the extent to which medical progress has influenced numerous healthcare careers in terms of predicting both traditional and current practices among a wide number of healthcare careers.

Consistently, medical progress has been shown to be a valid predictor of longer and happier life and better behavior performance. Research has found that medical progress during the past three decades have shown an increased use of bio technology, robotics and artificial intelligence and broader technologies. Also, there is the decrease of the use of certain drugs by including ancient techniques and substances to the traditional practice. Very good examples of this approach are: the use of hypnosis instead of anesthetics in dental surgery; use of marihuana to cope with side effects of chemotherapy; Bach’s flowers; aromatherapy, among others.

This new era of discoveries and encounters has started a brand new world of opportunities for healthcare careers. They are no longer related to just medicine focused on the physical body, but supporting it from the mind. Now it’s a matter of using all aspects of human brain and its possibilities as well as nutrition and natural remedies. It is said that close to 30% of the population have tried new alternatives to treat their condition. So, physicians of all specialties are now supported by psychologists, psychiatrists, Reiki masters, naturopaths, nutritionists, chiropractors, massage therapists, acupuncture, etc. Despite the studies that state such therapies as placebo effect; as soon as people believe they heal, possibilities are endless for researchers and professionals in such specialties.

Health is now a matter of wholeness, a complete harmony of the elements; and medicine is moving towards embracing all useful tools to provide better service and best healing results. Globalization helps include new practices and professionals, creating opportunities for learning, and contribute with health and wellness all around the world.

"Many people decide on a career path early in their lives and keep to it. This, they argue, leads to a more satisfying working life. To what extend do you agree or disagree?"

The choice of a career path early on in life should mean more job satisfaction. The worker will grow in their chosen profession by building on experience in the same field. Consistency breeds stability, and upon retirement, the financial rewards will most likely be greater for the person who has stayed with one company or organization for a longer period of time.

However, statistics show that the average person will make three to four career changes and have ten or more different jobs during a working life of about 87,000 hours. This would indicate that perhaps choosing a career path while very young may not be the best idea.

There could be several reasons for job and career changes. Some students may not have reached full maturity during early college years. They may still be influenced by peer pressure. A young girl right out of high school may choose to major in the same thing and attend the same college as her best friend. Later, she may find out the career she chose is just not for her.

Economic reasons may cause dissatisfaction later on with a career choice. Students may make changes in careers because they need to graduate earlier. The courses that they need may not be offered until a later time. A change in family dynamics can cause job dissatisfaction because of the need to have a higher income than the career that they prepared for provides.

Finally, job burnout is very real. People may just grow tired of the same old daily grind. A career or job change may be the stress alleviation needed. The good news is a career change later in life is not impossible. Student loans are available that do not discriminate because of age. There are more online training opportunities available than ever. Even just a slight career change can be beneficial. For example, a kindergarten teacher may be happier as a high school English teacher. A small business loan may help establish a job that a person truly loves. The possibilities for job and career changes later on in life are many.